The Yamskoy Hotel opened its own mini-post office on Monday, December 12. Now residents of the capital of the Chernozem region and guests of the city will be able to send postcards with images of iconic places of Voronezh directly from the reception. The postcards are printed according to the author's sketches by Voronezh artist Olga Brazhnikova. And in order for Voronezh residents to remember the tradition of sending paper rather than electronic greetings, the guests of the "postal" party were offered to look at old Soviet postcards.
The guests were told that the history of congratulating each other with signed postcards began in the 19th century.
Christmas cards, banned by the Soviet government as a relic of the bourgeoisie, regained their popularity after the war. Kind and sincere, with Soviet symbols, animals, winter landscapes and flags. These postcards were known to every Soviet person. They were collected, cut out, redrawn, pasted on wall newspapers.
The ritual of buying New Year's cards began long before the holiday.
A list of recipients was compiled so as not to forget anyone. And it took a whole evening, and sometimes two, to write kind words to family and friends.
Many people still keep greeting cards received decades ago.
Photos of Soviet New Year's cards in today's collection "MK in Voronezh".
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