
I.A. Bunin House Museum in Voronezh: a brief description

Russian Russian poet Ivan Alekseevich Bunin is a well—known figure of Russian classical literature, the first Russian Nobel Prize winner. The work of this talented writer and poet is widely known not only in Russia, but also abroad.

In Ivan Alekseevich's hometown, Voronezh, a house museum was founded in his honor.

The museum building is a historical value of Voronezh. The estate of A.E. Germanovskaya, where the Bunin Museum is located today, was built in the early 19th century. At various times, D.E. Benardaki, A.E. Germanovskaya, A.S. Fetisova, S.A. Petrovsky lived in this estate. Until 1913, a grocery store was located in one of the wings of the building. During the Great Patriotic War, the estate lost its original appearance: one of the wings was completely destroyed, and the second, which suffered less, was partially restored in the post-war period.

Then the building belonged to the son of S.A. Petrovsky, who bequeathed it to the regional Museum of local lore. Later, it was possible to reconstruct the estate thanks to the preserved sketches. For some time, the State Inspectorate for the Protection of the Historical and Cultural Heritage of the Voronezh Region was located here. Later, the editorial office of the magazine "Rise" was located in the building, and then the estate was transferred to the I.S. Nikitin Literary Museum. And only in 2020, this place became the Ivan Alekseevich Bunin Museum. It is believed that the writer was born here in 1870.

The museum building is located at Revolution Avenue, 3.

In order to get there, minibuses No. 1kv will be suitable, 29, 50, 51, 70, 74, 75, 88, 89, c70 and buses No. 3, 9ka, 10, 12, 26, 44, 63, 69, 302, 310. The stop is "Railway polyclinic" or "Kommunarov Street".

The museum operates according to the following schedule:

  • Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday — from 10:00 to 18:00
  • Thursday — from 12:00 to 20:00

Days off: Monday, Tuesday.

Phone: +7 473 255-09-68

The museum's website: voronezhliter.ru/muzej-ivana-bunina-2

VK Community: https://vk.com/bunin_mus

Email: voronezhliter-bunin@yandex.ru

The museum's exposition includes two halls, symbolizing two epochs in the life of Ivan Alekseevich. The first hall is "Russia as a home". In it, the visitor can get acquainted with the writer's childhood, the pedigree of his family, early work and interests. Everything about Bunin's life in Russia is here. The second hall is called "Russia far and near". The exhibits here tell about the life of Ivan Alekseevich during the period of emigration.

The visit to the museum begins from this hall. Here you can learn about famous representatives of the Bunin noble family, get acquainted with how the early years of the writer himself passed. The exhibits reveal the main themes of Ivan Alekseevich's work: the Russian village, nature, childhood and family, love. Visitors are also offered to watch the film "The Childhood of I.A. Bunin".

The exhibits of the hall "Russia far and Near" tell about Bunin's last years in Russia and about his life during the period of forced emigration: the writer's hunting bag, his personal belongings and letters, a Bible belonging to his family, autographed books, rare photographs, paintings donated by familiar artists. Attention is also paid to the receipt of the Nobel Prize by the writer — the diploma of the laureate is on display in the hall.

At the end of the tour, the museum guests enter the courtyard, where special attention is paid to the place of the garden in the writer's work. An installation by the artist A.A. Voroshilin "Bunin's Poetic Garden" is on display here.

The musical accompaniment of the tour creates a unique atmosphere. Visitors will also be pleasantly surprised by a modern interactive desk with a screen with which you can read the original letters that are stored in the museum. In addition, guests can watch a number of videos filmed about significant periods of Ivan Alekseevich's life.

It is worth paying attention to the literary collection "Drukar". It contains not only works by famous writers, but also autographs of famous personalities: Fyodor Chaliapin, Lev Tolstoy, Boris Zaitsev, Anton Chekhov, Nikolai Krashennikov, Peter Nilus, Fyodor Gavrilov, Alexander Serafimovich, Vikenty Veresaev and many others have left their mark on this book.

The letters and other exhibits of the museum reflect the difficult personal life of the writer. Ivan Alekseevich was married to Anna Tsakni, the daughter of Nikolai Tsakni, editor of the Odessa edition of the Southern Review. They lived together for only two years. In 1905, their only child Nikolai died of scarlet fever, after which the couple did not live together. Bunin later admitted that he did not have strong feelings for his first wife Anna.

In 1906, the writer met his future second wife, Vera Muromtseva. An intelligent and educated girl who studied chemistry and knew several foreign languages became Bunin's true love. However, the lovers could not officially get married for a long time, since Anna Tsakni did not give her husband a divorce. Ivan and Vera were able to formalize a relationship and get married only during the period of emigration, in 1922.

  • Literary and Memorial Museums of Russia
  • Regional cultural heritage sites in Voronezh
  • Literary Museums of Voronezh

There are several museums in Voronezh that may be of interest to visitors to the Bunin Museum:

  • Voronezh Regional Art Museum named after I.N. Kramskoy
  • Voronezh Regional Museum of Local Lore
  • The House-Museum of A.L. Durov
  • The National Museum of S.A. Yesenin
  • The Exhibition hall of the Union of Artists
  • The Book Museum
  • I.S. Nikitin Memorial House Museum
  • Museum of Retro Railway Equipment

In order to get on the tour, it is necessary to make an appointment in advance, since the excursions are limited in number of people. The room is equipped for the reception of people with disabilities. There is also parking for the disabled.

The young I.A. Bunin Museum has become an integral part of Voronezh cultural life. A visit to the museum will give you the opportunity not only to get to know the biography and work of one of the most famous Russian writers and poets, but also help you plunge into the real atmosphere of the mid-19th century.

If you have already visited the Ivan Alekseevich Bunin House Museum, share your impressions of the tour, as well as photos and videos.

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